A new adventure inspired by
Rick and Morty Season 5
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So our hero Morty asks his grandpa Rick for a little help...
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Why Would You Make This?
Because it was fun!Also, we love Rick and Morty and the new season premiers Sunday 20th June.We partnered with the team at Shoutout to create Rick's Reviews which is a play on the popular episode Interdimensional Cable. In the episode, it depicts there are almost unlimited dimensions and it shows almost anything is possible across all the different realities.Hope you enjoy, get at least one laugh, and maybe even add some funny/whacky comments for some of the different Shoutout Walls!Sincerely,
Bad Unicorn X Shoutout Team
P.s. We'll be dropping a new Shoutout Wall each day so feel free to come back and check them out later.
Green Lantern
The Oscar winning, highest grossing movie of 2011 that spawned 7 sequels and a Fast and Furious crossover.
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Dimension G-33D12
2011's "Green Lantern" ruled the box office charts for the 13th straight weekend after dethroning "The Adventures of Tintin" with an estimated 18.2 million dollars in North American ticket receipts."Ryan Reynolds is the Green Lantern. He's rich, famous, and quite attractive." said the New York Times of his Best Actor win, netting him 7 sequels and many accolades from the film community.
Fyre Festival
While the original festival descended into chaos, from the ashes came the world's biggest 24/7/365 party!
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Dimension X21
They said it couldn't work but after seeing the aftermath of the first attempt, wealthy party animals Jake and Logan Paul teamed up with the Kardashian's to throw an exclusive one-off event on a nearby island...that just didn't end.Part Burning Man, part reality TV show Survivor, the Fyre Festival grew into a 24/7 party with new festival goers arriving daily in a constant rotation of new bands, DJs and celebrities.To everyone's surprise Nickleback, became the festival's first residency, followed by Hoobastank, Limp Bizkit and Fountains of Wayne.
Moving from block-busting to block-chaining. The next step for this media giant.
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Dimension C-312
Trying to win customers back from the late fees fiasco, an intern at Blockbuster suggested a way to rent movies via a USB from their local store.Demanding high levels of innovation Blockbuster created the MovieWallet™ which allowed folks to download and store up to 14 movies at once.Little did they know that this technology would also become incredibly useful for storing other digital assets.They eventually bought out their competitor Netflix who, while sending DVDs through the mail at the time couldn't pivot to a digital format fast enough.Now Blockbuster moves into their next stage minting NFTs of timeless movie moments going from late fees to gas fees.
The original thought leaders of the six second movement, Vine rapidly expanded their video platform globally.
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Dimension SX41311
During 2016 an outbreak of murder hornets kept people indoors for the majority of the year which lead to Vine exploding in popularity.Six second podcasts, six second news articles and even six second meals became the norm. The world's attention span shrunk and Vine was there to expand into every market possible.The icing on the cake was the addition of lip-syncing to their platform which kicked off the next generation of musicians. A rival competitor ByteDance pivoted into the music licensing area - they're just doing okay.
The phone that really changed everything.
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Universe HLLOMOTO-4
By 2005 Motorola was dominating the phone market with record sales of its iconic V3 of the RAZR flip phone. Every new addition was highly sought after from the matte black to the hot pink to the yellow Spongebob Squarepants edition.Every company wanted to work with them, including Apple which lead to the production of the ROKR E1 - a silver brick that could play up to 100 songs via iTunes. Rumour was that Steve Jobs himself was furious the phone didn't get the RAZR treatment starting an unconventional feud between the two companies.Jobs released the iPhone in 2007 out of pure revenge for Motorola doing them dirty and it looked like Apple was going to gain the upper hand in the phone market.That is until the RAZR team made a bold move and poured the rest of their budget not into features, but into studies which would prove that the full screen design of the iPhone was ultimately a menace to society.Owning a RAZR phone became a status symbol more than it was before. Being able to signal that you were so in control of your time that you only needed a phone to call and text was a feature.Apple tried to win back users at that point with free U2 albums but by then it was too late - the flip became the standard and Motorola became the world leader in keeping the status quo of mobile devices. RAZR os15 drops later this year which includes Snake 26, a choice of 5 new ringtones and enhanced emoticon support.
Your complete all-in-one wellness machine, now even more unnecessary with daily horoscopes!
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Universe C4RRT
The $400 juicing machine that no-one needed went through a number of attempted stunts to retain its users including a collaboration with 'Will it Blend?' aptly called 'Will it Juice?' (spoiler: it wasn't very popular).In a last ditch effort they turned to Gwyneth Paltrow's company Goop, experts at selling every day wellness products for extraordinary prices.Harnessing the power of the internet connectivity, the new Juicero 2.0 paired up perfectly with their 7 day juice cleanses giving users hourly analysis on the right fruits to consume for their horoscope at any time of the year.
A place for friends...and pretty much everything else.
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Dimension TTYL02
The start of the social media revolution started out a bit differently in this dimension starting with Mark Zuckerberg losing his Facebook lawsuit against the Winklevoss twins.That created a void for MySpace to rise to supreme social media royalty already capitalising off of its strong collection of music artists and their followers.In 2008 they merged with MSN to launch, you guessed it, MSN Messenger 2.0 which provided a familiar but massively expanded network for the world to collaborate and communicate.The SmarterChild AI division funded top secret projects in analytics which won MySpace many new contracts with the biggest Fortune 500 companies and predict the rise of Snapchat, Instagram, Slack and LinkedIn. MySpace Enterprise, MySpace Influencers and MySpace Dating all launched in early 2009 taking their market cap all the way to $87 billion by 2015.Mark Zuckerberg was last seen pursuing his passion for smoking meat and pushed out Guy Fieri of his $60 million deal with the Food Network to become the new CEO of Flavortown.
Who knew Paul Blart: Mall Cop was just ahead of his time? It's the new status symbol of Silicon Valley.
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Dimension SKTSKT
Apple buying Segway was probably one of the most surprise moves the company made in the 2010s."After the iPod and iPod, people complained that we lost our touch - we didn't surprise people any more" Tim Cook said in an interview. "Well, we just got into the transportation space, so what do you think of that? Here at Apple we think it's very exciting."Renamed the "Segpods" and the "Segpods Pro" these pearly white Segways were first used on the new Apple campus. Soon they became a status symbol due to their eye catching design and the trend spread rapidly across the tech world.People ceased to walk anymore for fear of being seen without their Segpods. Daily sidewalk gridlock became an issue and traffic reports now included the latest Segpod activity of major tech centres.Legislators are currently trying to keep up with the rise in popularity of the Segpods which now outsell all other electronic scooter, bike and skateboard companies.
The full service office turned full service life.
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Dimension WRKWRKWRK-11
A real estate company disguised as a tech startup, WeWork opened up the possibility for any business to become a tech business.Set on being the world's first trillionaire, Adam Neumann was clearly up for the challenge. In preparation for their IPO in 2019 they turned up the subscriptions to 11.Starting with WeLive: adult dorms for tech employees, WeCoffee, WeGyms, WeClean, WeDrive and WeCook soon followed which brought the 360 experience from the morning you woke up to when you went to bed.
Mr. Meeseeks Box
The hottest SaaS this side of the galaxy. Get your own Mr. Meeseeks as a service!
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Dimension 441-224
After losing a bet to a time travelling snake, Rick sells the IP for the Mr. Meeseeks box, a device designed to summon blue creatures to carry out simple tasks (think Genie in Aladdin) to his former intern Glootie.A self proclaimed app development enthusiast, Glootie convinced some Y Combinator applicants to disrupt the gig economy with him.Together they released MaaS, a.k.a Meeseeks as a Service. Edging out competitors such as Task Rabbit, Uber Eats, and Deliveroo they quickly became the go-to app for requesting any task.Currently they successfully raised their series B funding at Tech Miami and are opening their first Florida HQ later this year.
Google Glass
Don't even bother with AirPods - this is the ultimate Silicon Valley accessory.

Universe Q-366
Google Glass is the cutting edge of wearable technology. It's Google's sexy new high-tech $1,500 specs that are already the hottest accessory in Silicon Valley. For anyone who wants to break out of their shell and try something new, a pair of Google glasses will do just that!
Green Lantern
The Oscar winning, highest grossing movie of 2011 that spawned 7 sequels and a Fast and Furious crossover.

Universe C-312
2011 "Green Lantern" ruled the box office charts for the 13th straight weekend after dethroning "The Adventures of Tintin" with an estimated 18.2 million dollars in North American ticket receipts."Ryan Reynolds is the Green Lantern. He's rich, famous, and quite attractive." said the New York Times of his Best Actor win, netting him 7 sequels and many awards.
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